We do not swim with dolphins. This is a dolphin encounters from the boat. Military, 1st Responder's & Teacher discounts available. It would be 10% off your first tour then 20% off a second tour during your vacation period.

COVID-19 Updates

Choose from our 5 activities

Aloha All,

Bite Me Sportfishing and Ocean Encounters are happy to announce the DLNR has lifted the suspension on all commercial permits, and we are excited to slowly get back to a somewhat normal. Our charter times have not changed and all activities are available to book. Snorkel activities, we are asking for you to please bring your own snorkel equipment.

For our mainland friends, we are hoping the restrictions on travel will be relaxed soon, keep calling, check in with us often…things are changing by the day.

Interisland Travel Lifted Soon…

We know how important it will be to find affordable fun activities you can do with your ohana this summer, so we will be offering Kamaaina on selected activities. Give us a call for details, we look forward to hearing from you.


We raised our already demanding standards to an even higher level with new protocols and procedures. We have developed safety guidelines for implementing enhanced health and safety measures for our guest and staff based on mandates and recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) as we will strive to provide you with a safe environment there is an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 while in any public place where people are present while enjoying your time with us you are voluntarily assuming all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.

Please see visit our web-site for COVID-19 UPDATES.

Mahalo Piha
Bite Me Sportfishing & Ocean Encounters Management.